11.86% Finance cost 19.72 18.41 (1.31) (6.64%) Income tax expenses 17.98 22.21 4.23 23.53% Net profit 70.57 80.50 9.93 14.07% Net profit ratio (ROS) 20.41% 18.98% Earnings per share (Baht) 0.13 0.15 0.02
Profit (Loss) (16.93) (2.20) 14.73 669.55 Earnings per share (Baht per share) (0.0032) (0.0005) 0.0027 540.00 Net Profit (Loss) The Company and subsidiaries (Consolidated) realized net loss of 16.93
respectively. Earnings before Interest, Tax, Depreciation and Amortization (EBITDA) Quarter 3 of 2017 Quarter 3 of 2016 Variation THB % EBITDA Pursuant to the Financial Statements 260 265 (5) (1.9) EBITDA Profit
activities. In summary, EBITDA stood at Bt19,305mn, increasing 6.8% YoY but decreasing 8.7% QoQ, with 39% EBITDA margin. Net profit was Bt7,032mn, increasing 2.8% YoY but decreasing 19% QoQ due to the gain
Osotspa Public Company Limited Q3’18 and 9M18 Management Discussion & Analysis 14 November 2018 Q3’18 and 9M18 Management Discussion & Analysis Page 1/7 Financial Highlights Q3’18 profit attributable
increase of 1,700 million baht in gross profit. 3. In 2017, the Company recorded gain on change in shareholders’ equity of an associate in an amount of 1,135 million baht. It came from the issuance of 7,545
charges, breakage revenues on ticket expiry, and interest earnings. Share of Profit from Investments in Associates The Company has share of profit from associated companies increased from 328.0 million baht
% Dividend income - - - 15,000 35,000 -57% Gain on disposal of assets 308,107 - 100% 663 - 100% Other income 27,987 34,987 -19% 9,226 9,890 -7% Total Revenues 2,398,510 2,509,827 -4% 1,666,564 1,712,604 -3
and building previously used for such business. In this year, ABC sold the assets and transferred revaluation surplus to gain on sale of the assets presented in the income statement. The transfer was
surplus to gain on sale of the assets presented in the income statement. The transfer was, however, not complied with the accounting standards stating that the revaluation surplus has to be transferred