several ways; including allowing After You to test customer demand in a selected location, and, as it requires minimal time and amount of investment to set up, After You has great flexibility to expand in
shifted focus toward opening pop-up stores where costs of investment and associated risks are relatively lower. The launch of the pop-up stores has provided agility and flexibility for After You to explore
reasonable comparing to the benefit that the Company’s will received as the Company can uses as its working capital which increase more flexibility and serve for the Company’s business expansion resulting the
latest digital technologies. This has also uncovered considerable opportunity and flexibility to create greater awareness to brands/media buyers. In order to accommodate growing demand in the outdoor media
revenue for the next few years, and it has developed a prudent strategy to maintain return to shareholders during this time. This has included restructuring DTC to allow for greater flexibility and enhanced
return to shareholder, the management has formulated business strategy and implemented group restructuring to streamline the business and enhance flexibility, which attributable to well-achieved
rate than should have been. Describe the risk characteristics, causative incidents, possible impacts (specify numerically if applicable), tendency or possibility of such risks. In the case that the REIT
บรรจุภณัฑ ์ ดว้ยเครื่องจกัรทีท่นัสมยั และทมีงาน ทีม่ปีระสบการณ์กว่า 20 ปี มโีรงงานผลติบรรจุภณัฑจ์ านวน 3 โรงงานไดแ้ก ่ โรงงานผลติ กระสอบ Big bag, โรงงานผลติ PE Blow film และโรงงานผลติ Flexible packaging
appropriate, beneficial to the Company, and in accordance with the strategy and policy of the Company to be flexible and conducts the businesses in the area of the Company’s experience and expertise, and true
’ environment. CPN successfully maintain an effective capital structure and flexible financing cost structure, as well as prepare adequate funding to support the investment plan and lower the financing cost at