plans to suit customer’s usage pattern. Prepaid competition, however, remained challenging with offering of large data allowance on low-tier package during the quarter to date. AIS selectively offered
materials. 6 Integrated Oxides and Derivatives It has been a challenging quarter and also the year for this segment. EO, which represents around 40% of our production volume has performed well. EO margins
2019, the price of pig iron remained stable at the same level while the price of scrap started to fall continuously. Thus it will become more challenging for the global steel industry participants in all
of 2019. For second quarter to third quarter of 2019, the price of pig iron remained stable at the same level while the price of scrap started to fall continuously. Thus it will become more challenging
. Despite intense competition in the market, we place focus on strengthening retention program and use analytics to protect and enhance revenue to tackle continued challenging data pricing environment. Home
to trading. In the latter case, indicate the dates on which the debt securities will be listed and/or admitted to trading. B. Entities Providing Liquidity. If any entity has made a firm commitment to
1 ความรับผิดชอบของผูนำตอคุณภาพภายในสำนักงาน (Leadership Responsibilities for Quality within the Firm) 20 ด ี (2) ด ี (2) 2 ขอกำหนดดานจรรยาบรรณที่เก่ียวของ (Relevant Ethical Requirements) 15
companies covered in its research reports. As a result, investors should be aware that the Firm may have a conflict of interest that could affect the objectivity of this report. Investors should consider this
capital structure of the firm is best decided by the management and the board, subject to the approval of the shareholders. Some companies issue 26 G20/OECD PRINCIPLES OF CORPORATE GOVERNANCE © OECD 2015
ดังกลาวเปนโรงไฟฟาผูผลิตไฟฟารายเล็กประเภทสัญญา Firm ระบบ Cogeneration ขนาดกําลังการ ผลิต 92 เมกะวัตต ใชกาซธรรมชาติเปนเชื้อเพลิง ซึ่งตั้งอยูในสวนอ}ตสาหกรรม เอส เอส พ~ อินดัสเทรZยล พารค อําเภอบ