, Land and Houses Fund Management Company Limited, and Land and Houses Securities Public Company Limited have mutually accepted the acknowledgement of “Social Outcome Investor” from Thaipat Institute, as
, Land and Houses Fund Management Company Limited, and Land and Houses Securities Public Company Limited have mutually accepted the acknowledgement of “Social Outcome Investor” from Thaipat Institute, as
and the Seller transfer the shares and make the payment according to the Shares Purchase Transaction, and based on the assumption that all GLOW shareholders have accepted the tender offer for the entire
and the Seller transfer the shares and make the payment according to the Shares Purchase Transaction, and based on the assumption that all GLOW shareholders have accepted the tender offer for the entire
all GLOW shareholders have accepted the tender offer for the entire securities of GLOW, the total GLOW shares acquired by the Company shall be equivalent to 1,462,865,035 shares (equivalent to 100
% of total issued and paid- up shares was accepted for a total amount of THB 3,445 mn. Hence, CPN effectively has 67.53% ownership in GLAND as announced to the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) on
accepted the certificate of recognition in “Social Outcome Investor” from Thaipat Institute, as the organization providing cooperation to initiate the concept of investments for social outcomes. The company
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) หรือ Financial Accounting Standards (FAS) หรือ United States Generally Accepted Accounting Principle (US GAAP) หรือมำตรฐำนกำรบญัชีอ่ืนท่ีส ำนกังำนยอมรับ โดยใหแ้
Limited have mutually accepted the certificate of recognition in “Social Outcome Investor” from Thaipat Institute, as the organization providing cooperation to initiate the concept of investments for social
accepted the certificate of recognition in “Social Outcome Investor” from Thaipat Institute, as the organization providing cooperation to initiate the concept of investments for social outcomes. The company