The Roadmap, whose development involved consultations with various stakeholders, ranging from issuers, institutional investors, information providers and ESG-related organisations via the ACMF
;">ที่ กลต.นธ.(ว) 31/2564 เรื่อง ขอเชิญเข้าร่วมอบ รม Overview on “ESG Integration Framework” for investment analysis ตามที่ สํานักงานคณะกรรมการกํา
Company recorded an operating revenue of THB 2,856mn, an increase of 34.2% from THB 2,129mn in 2018/19. The growth was mainly driven by 1) the full-year consolidation of the System Integration segment
services revenue of THB 1,127mn, and system integration and total solution services revenue of THB 620mn arising from the 5 months consolidation of Trans.Ad Group which was acquired in August 2018. 2018
Advertising revenue increased by 68.9% YoY to THB 415mn o System integration services revenue increased by 38.7% YoY to THB 333mn Media operation in Malaysia reached its break-even of net profit for the first
3Q 2017. The revenue comprised of advertising services revenue of THB 262mn, and system integration and total solution services revenue of THB 211mn arising from the recently-acquired Trans.Ad
consolidation of the acquired hotel business in Europe. 2) Revenue from the office for rent business of Baht 38.6 million from office building in London, U.K. 3) Other revenue of Baht 82.5 million, which grew by
o Advertising revenue decreased by 5.5% to THB 261mn o System integration services revenue was recorded at THB 428mn • EBITDA increased by 22.2% to THB 109mn • Net profit from operation decreased by
time outside and its strength as being a media which is able to build on brand awareness amongst a wide audience which made it more attractive to media customers. MACO outperformed the overall industry
. The increase was predominantly due to the consolidation of the acquired hotel business in Europe. 2) Revenue from the office for rent business of Baht 40.9 million, which grew by Baht 31.4 million or