. Disclose whether an issuer is directly or indirectly controlled by another entity or natural person, as well as the nature of such control. To the extent known to the issuer, indicate whether the issuer is
profit for 1.98 million baht or 41.68%. It is because the Company is more well-known and the customer base is extensively extended. 3 The combination of those two incomes results in the Company Group’s
entity or natural person, as well as the nature of such control. To the extent known to the issuer, indicate whether the issuer is directly or indirectly owned or controlled by another corporation, by any
diseases, emergency care etc. In addition, an emphasis on health service for well people such as physical checkup center by launching the new campaigns targeting market in Trang and nearby provinces in order
person, as well as the nature of such control. To the extent known to the issuer, indicate whether the issuer is directly or indirectly owned or controlled by another corporation, by any foreign government
equity ratio was 1.38 times while the interest bearing debt to equity ratio was 0.86 times. Forward Looking For the 2nd quarter of 2020, it is well known that due to the impact of the Covid-19 situation
ADAM to fraudulently acquire Kitha Properties to be a subsidiary of ADAM by purchasing the total amount of Kitha Properties’ ordinary shares in 2014, although they have already known that Kitha
1.67 million baht or 33.35%. It is because the Company is more well-known and the customer base is extensively extended. 3 The combination of those two incomes results in the Company Group’s income for 3
, as well as enhance their EDC terminals to accept both On-Us and Acquiring transactions for VISA and MasterCard brands. In addition, ASB Cambodia will also launch a service through the mobile
as oil, gold, or coffee. Consolidation approach: The identification of companies, businesses, organizations etc. for inclusion within the reporting boundary of the responding organization is known as