sound business control conduct; (3) Being able to maintain capital funds and set aside reserve capital in compliance with law establishing such legal entity or law controlling business undertaking of such
inappropriateness regarding the sound business control conduct; (3) Being able to maintain capital funds and set aside reserve capital in compliance with law establishing such legal entity or law controlling business
inappropriateness regarding the sound business control conduct; (3) Being able to maintain capital funds and set aside reserve capital in compliance with law establishing such legal entity or law controlling business
Bangkok, October 10, 2008 ? SEC Deputy Secretary-General Prasong Vinaiphat today gave a statement reassuring investors of the sound condition of the Thai stock market despite a huge fall of SET Index
appropriate to their circumstances and over time. Institutional investors’ obligations to their beneficiaries or clients and their scope for influence of companies in which they invest bring important
reasonable ground to believe that the applicant has any deficiency or inappropriateness regarding the sound business control conduct; (3) being able to maintain capital funds and set aside reserve capital in
applicant has any deficiency or inappropriateness regarding the sound business control conduct; (3) being able to maintain capital funds and set aside reserve capital in compliance with law establishing such
applicant has any deficiency or inappropriateness regarding the sound business control conduct; (3) being able to maintain capital funds and set aside reserve capital in compliance with law establishing such
revisions, the business operators will be required to have in place a sound internal control system, by taking into account the utmost interest of customers, for preventing the use of inside information and
Stability Board’s (FSB) Key Standards for Sound Financial Systems serving FSB, G20 and OECD members. They have also been used by the World Bank Group in more than 60 country reviews worldwide. And they