because its price was more attractive than synthetic fatty alcohols price due to the decreasing of crude palm kernel oil price. Meanwhile, supply from natural fatty alcohols and synthetic fatty alcohols
supply. Consequently, this resulted in much healthier demand for Natural Fatty Alcohols than quarter 3/2016 as its price decreased to a lower level than that of Synthetic Fatty Alcohols as well as the
B7, which increased from B3, B5 and B7 in previous year. Fatty Alcohols(FA) market in 2017 had improved from previous year, driven by demand for Natural FA since its price could compete to Synthetic FA
industry reports published between 2007-2019 (2) Zerbib, O. (2019) Global 1,065 green bonds and 2 synthetic conventional bonds for each green bond issued between 2013-2017 (18) Kapraun, J. & Scheins, C
กฎกระทรวง ฉบับที่ 5 (พ -Unofficial translation- This English version is prepared by Legal Department with the sole purpose of facilitating the comprehension of foreign participants in the SEC’s rules
comprehension of foreign participants in the rules and regulations promulgated under the Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535 and shall not in any event be construed or interpreted as having effect in
facilitating the comprehension of foreign participants in the SEC’s rules and regulations and shall not in any event be construed or interpreted as having effect in substitution for or supplementary to the Thai
to February 2019. For fatty alcohols market, natural fatty alcohols was being more competitive to synthetic fatty alcohols due to its price attractive as CPKO price which is the feedstocks to produce
บการซือ้คอลออปชั่นหรือพุทออปชั่นได้เนื่องจาก พอร์ตโฟลิโอจะให้มูลค่าเท่ากบัมลูค่าคอลออปชัน่และมลูค่าพทุออปชัน่ (Synthetic Call Option/Put Option)ภายใต้ข้อ สมมตุิฐานตลาดที่ปราศจากการเก็งก าไรแบบไร้ความเสีย่งด
จำกรำคำทีป่รับตัวลงมำต ่ำกวำ่ผลติภณัฑท์ดแทนอยำ่งแฟตตีแ้อล กอฮอลสส์ังเครำะห ์(Synthetic Fatty Alcohols) ประกอบกับอุปทำนทีค่่อนขำ้งตงึตัวโดยเฉพำะใน ประเทศจีนและอนิเดยีทีล่ดก ำลังกำรผลติลงเนื่องจำกควำม