Based on a third-party report and the SEC’s further investigation, it has been found that in 2017 Mr. Chiyachantana (Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of WORLD at the time of the offense
Bangkok, September 11, 2012 ? The SEC filed a criminal complaint with the Economic Crime Division of the Royal Thai Police (ECD Police) against GISP Ltd. (GISP), Mr. Supawit Sootisong, and Navista Global Markets Ltd. (Navista) for operating derivatives business without license. Following the reports on their suspicious unlicensed derivatives activities, the SEC conducted raids on GISP?s office located at 240/31 Ratchadapisek Rd., Huaykwang, Bangkok as well as Navista?s site. The evidence indica...
Bangkok, 2 April 2020 – SEC is seeking public comments on the proposed regulations concerning the definitions of “executive” and “business in the group” under the Digital Asset Businesses Law to
According to the findings of SEC inspection on the operation of SKFM whose main business is private fund management, in 2018 Mr. King, CEO and fund manager of the company at the time, acted in the following manners: (1) funneling damage incurred from investment among the clients of private funds by making cross-trade transactions of shares under trading suspension (SP) sign on a continual basis from 2015 to 2017; (2) managing private funds without taking the cli...
มาตรา/ชื่อกฎหมาย : มาตรา 103 แห่ง พ.ร.บ. หลักทรัพย์ฯ ข้อ/ประกาศ : ข้อ 4(1) และข้อ 5(4) แห่งประกาศ ทลธ. 8/2557 ผู้ถาม :
มาตรา/ชื่อกฎหมาย : มาตรา 110 แห่ง พ.ร.บ. หลักทรัพย์และตลาดหลักทรัพย์ พ.ศ. 2535 และมาตรา 18 แห่ง พ.ร.บ. สัญญาซื้อขายล่วงหน้า พ.ศ. 2546 ข้อ/ประกาศ