price of 70 million baht, which created an unlawful benefit for Mr. Bhusana. Miss Ploykaew Pariswong, Miss Kornrawan and Mr. Nanthawat Bhudithaiyarasak, who were Energy System Engineering and Service
Sustainability-Linked Bonds (the “SLBs”) to be issued in compliance with the Sustainability-Linked Bond Framework (the “Framework”) created to govern their issuances and following the Sustainability-Linked Bond
financial sector towards the country’s shift to an environmentally sustainable future. • At the same time, this guide represents a huge opportunity for the growing numbers of individual and institutional
Practice Lead, GMO, said, “We are witnessing a fundamental shift in the way in which investors are integrating material ESG risks and opportunities, such as climate change, and diversity, into their
sustainable development. This shift in recognition of society, environment and corporate governance has been driven by the fact that no business could survive the collapse of society and thus, has to extend its
introduced as an online money management consultant created by professional webmasters from Socatiyanurak, the SEC Secretary General, revealed that promotion of financial literacy and money
as an online money management consultant created by professional webmasters from Socatiyanurak, the SEC Secretary General, revealed that promotion of financial literacy and money
derivatives fund managers being a financial institution regulated by other agencies; “ electronic data ” means data that are created, sent , received, stored or processed through electronic https
that are created, sent , received, stored or processed through electronic procedures ประกาศคณะกรรมการกำกับหลักทรัพย์และตลาดหลักทรัพย์ derivatives fund managers
ตลาดหลักทรัพย์ established under specific laws or any legal entity licensed to undertake finance or commercial banking business. “ electronic data” means statements that are created, sent, received, stored or