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their risk tolerance. The lecture also covered investment scam prevention and the SEC’s roles. The event was held on 30 January 2024, at the RUS, Suphan Buri Campus.
permit another to produce fraud documents and prepare incorrect financial statements to deceive other persons. the public prosecutor issued a prosecution order; however, attempt to arrest the accused
fraud documents and prepare incorrect financial statements to deceive other persons. the public prosecutor issued a prosecution order; however, attempt to arrest the accused failed and the statute of
Mr. Lee Wolff Mr. Lee Wolff, the former managing director of Circuit Electronics Industries Plc. (“CIRKIT”), conspired with other executives of CIRKIT to commit or permit another to produce fraud
CIRKIT to commit or permit another to produce fraud documents and prepare incorrect financial statements to deceive other persons. the public prosecutor issued a prosecution order; however, attempt to
risks of fraud and deception by dishonest persons, and preventing the exploitation of digital assets to support illegal transactions. In addition, other objectives of the Emergency Decree are to ensure
?SECID=8872 SEC shows statistics on reported cases via Investment Scam Hotline and shutdowns of online investment scam channels Project conducted in partnership with various market stakeholders
literacy) ทัง้ในมติขิองควำมรูเ้พือ่กำรลงทนุ ป้องกนัตนเอง จำกกำร ถูกหลอก (scam & fraud/cyber crime) รวมถงึ ทกัษะควำมรูค้วำมเขำ้ใจดำ้นเทคโนโลยใีน กำรใชบ้รกิำรดำ้นตลำดทนุ (digital literacy) ขยายฐานผูล้งทนุ
2033 9999 or e-mail: complaint@sec.or.th Facebook page for investor education “start-to-invest" and "Happy PVD" SEC and Investors Be Wary of Investment Fraud Investment Governance Code for