, buildings, equipment and immovable assets for investment in the amount of THB 44.99 million, including the revenue from the sales of plate remains in the amount of THB 26.97 million. While, for the first 6
respectively, if submitting the application for public offering within 2014, be awarded a plate of honor if obtaining approval from the SEC within 2014, etc.Interested business operators can seek further details
, decreasing 9.77% and Thick gauge (Plate) at 56.3 thousand metric tons, decreasing 19.86% compared to the same period of previous year. Table: The production and the domestic demand of the Hot Roll Flat Steel
– Jun 2020 was at 1.29 million metric tons, decreasing by 10.26% consisting of Hot Roll Coil and Sheet (thin gauge) at 1.24 million metric tons, decreasing by 9.77% and Thick gauge (Plate) at 56.3
machine 1400/10 1 8,110,000.00 2.1 COOLING WATER TANK 100 litres and WATER PUMP 1 27,562.50 2.2 Support stainless plate 1 220,552.04 3 CENTERSEAL MACHINE 1 1,470,000.00 4 3 SISEDSEAL MACHINE 1 1,360,000.00
2 Gravure Printing machine 1400/10 1 8,110,000.00 2.1 COOLING WATER TANK 100 litres and WATER PUMP 1 27,562.50 2.2 Support stainless plate 1 220,552.04 3 CENTERSEAL MACHINE 1 1,470,000.00 4 3
Plate (Thickness > 3.0 mm), 2.28% HR Sheet (Thickness < 3.0 mm), 29.87% CRC, 16.34% Galvanized, 10.93% TP&TF, 2.54% Other coated steel, 5.30% Other Flat Products, 0.75% Steel Consumption 2018 Bar&Section
, 26.93% Wire rod, 9.66% Other Long Products, 0.23% Seamless pipe, 0.94% HR Plate (Thickness > 3.0 mm), 3.60% HR Sheet (Thickness < 3.0 mm), 28.46% CRC, 11.65% Galvanized, 9.23% TP & TF, 2.49% Other coated
% Source : Iron and Steel Institiute of Thailand, by Steel Business Intelligence Bar & Section, 26.93% Wire rod, 9.66% Other Long Products, 0.23% Seamless pipe, 0.94% HR Plate (Thickness > 3.0 mm), 3.60% HR
% Source : Iron and Steel Institiute of Thailand, by Steel Business Intelligence Bar & Section, 26.93% Wire rod, 9.66% Other Long Products, 0.23% Seamless pipe, 0.94% HR Plate (Thickness > 3.0 mm), 3.60% HR