in compliance with such rules. (2) consent of the service provider for the SEC Office to inspect its operation, retrieve for viewing or examine relevant evidentiary documentation; (3) causes
in compliance with such rules. (2) consent of the service provider for the SEC Office to inspect its operation, retrieve for viewing or examine relevant evidentiary documentation; (3) causes
Global Canopy’s Finance Sector Roadmap for all other terms, such as net zero, just transition or offsetting, please refer to the Race to Zero Lexicon.
The opinions of the Independent Financial Advisor on the connected transaction (For the purpose of translation only) 0 The opinions of the Independent Financial Advisor on the connected transaction by Thai Wacoal Public Company Limited Presented to Shareholders of Thai Wacoal Public Company Limited Prepared by 8 March 2019 This English report of the Independent Financial Advisor’s Opinions has been prepared solely for the convenience of foreign shareholders of Thai Wacoal Public Company Limited...
service provider, retrieve for viewing or examine relevant evidentiary documentation; (3) causes, conditions and procedures for terminating the contract or suspending performance [under such contract]; (4
of the service provider, retrieve for viewing or examine relevant evidentiary documentation; (3) causes, conditions and procedures for terminating the contract or 3 Amended by the Notification of the
of the service provider, retrieve for viewing or examine relevant evidentiary documentation; (3) causes, conditions and procedures for terminating the contract or 3 Amended by the Notification of the
records of clients’ assets as prepared by the securities company. For the clients’ assets which are not kept by the securities company itself, the securities company shall put in place a system to retrieve
clients’ assets which are not kept by the securities company itself, the securities company shall put in place a system to retrieve updated information to verify the records of such assets reported by a
clients’ assets which are not kept by the securities company itself, the securities company shall put in place a system to retrieve updated information to verify the records of such assets reported by a