The BOT and the SEC previously discussed and reviewed the benefits and risks of digital assets and deemed it necessary to regulate and control the use of digital assets as a means of payment for goods and services to avert potential impacts on the country’s financial system stability and the overall economy as well as potential risks toward the public and business sectors. For example, risk on loss due to price volatility, cybersecurity risk, risk on personal data leakage, and exploitation as a...
Bangkok, October 29, 2014 ? The SEC is seeking public comment on draft regulations on prevention and management of conflicts of interest and proprietary trading applicable to business operators. The draft, taking into account comments from public hearing on proposed principles early this year, covers prevention on use of inside information, transactions with related persons for the benefit of clients, reporting and disclosure of any actions where conflicts of interest may arise and proprietary s...
สำนักงานคณะกรรมการกำกับหลักทรัพย์และตลาดหลักทรัพย์ (ก.ล.ต.) เป็นเจ้าภาพจัดการประชุมประจำปี EU-Asia Pacific Forum on Financial Regulation ซึ่งจัดขึ้นเป็นครั้งที่ 5 ในรูปแบบ virtual meeting เป็นครั้ง
Under the proposed regulations, in order to be qualified for exemption, the futures exchange, derivatives clearing house, securities clearing house and securities depository shall submit its rule to the SEC Office at least 10 working days before the intended effective date of such rule, along with a brief report on comments from the stakeholders (if any). The types of rule that can rely on this exemption are as follows: (1) Rules that carry the material context similar to that state...
. In addition, the draft regulation is expected to further clarify the scope of supervision of digital asset businesses because they are not under state oversight. The SEC conducted a public hearing on
Pursuant to the proposed amendments, the fee for undertaking a derivatives exchange business would be determined at the rate of 0.05 baht per contract per side for trades executed within the derivatives exchange with a minimum fee of 2 million baht in place of the existing fee which only prescribes the fixed rate of 2 million baht. Also, agricultural commodity derivatives would be granted an exemption from the calculation to support agricultural commodity business operators. The new fee i...
the principle and the draft regulation which would require the auditor to report to the Audit Committee of securities company** or the Audit Committee of listed company any suspicious circumstance