Loans (NPLs) to total loans ratio at the end of 2018 declining to 4.1% from 5.0% at the end of 2017. On Special Asset Management business, the Bank sold non-performing assets (NPAs) totaling Baht 1,378
was 312.9 million baht compared to 321.7 million baht the same period last year, decreased 2.7 percent or 8.8 million baht mainly from declining in print media and advertising revenue. Revenue from
2018 was 295.8 million baht compared to 358.4 million baht the same period last year, decreased 17.5 percent or 62.6 million baht mainly from declining in print media and advertising revenue. Revenue
Baht 4,015 million, a decline of 6.8 yoy while comprehensive income for the first nine months totaled Baht 3,886 million, also declining by 8.8%. Pre-provision operating profit for 3Q20 increased by 13.2
compared to the same period of prior year. It resulted from the declining of revenue and gross profit. Net profit to total revenues was at 4.8%. Revenues The structure of revenues for the three month period
compared to the prior year. It resulted from the declining of revenues and the increasing of administrative expenses. Net profit margin to total revenues was at 2.9%. Revenues The structure of revenues for
from the same period of last year at 16.83% due to the declining in sales but the Company still had fixed cost. Moreover, the depreciation was higher from machine acquisition and plant and equipment
company. • Declining in account receivable and lower stock policy -- to be in lined with market condition – are main reasons of lower in Bank overdraft and short-term loan from financial institution account
/2019), due to the declining number of Chinese tourists visiting Thailand by more than 90 percent after the Chinese New Year festival, closure of certain stores, restricted commute to crowded areas and
64 64 0 0% • Due to price adjustment and cost control, gross margin of rice business is performed at 23% growth, compensating in declining in gross profit of the restaurant and food centre business