the public as well as other securities companies; (b) members shall treat clients fairly and shall not be involved in discriminatory practice, and shall provide services by using knowledge and
major shareholders and company management aware of their roles and responsibility to treat shareholders fairly. Strong effort and cooperation of all parties will definitely help drive listed companies
the revenue of the Group to be recognized when the machine is delivered to a customer rather than the percentage of completion as it is used to be 2. The cost of sales and services to sales ratio for
diversification of their composition rather than their popularity and they must be regularly updated according to their composition. In addition, index sponsor must be independent from asset management companies
merely filling the report form. Rather, the board of directors and management?s functions must truly be independent to promote confidence. The next one is ?CSR-in-process? where CSR is embedded in every
aspects of biases comprising (1) emotional or preference biases: focusing on present rather than future incidents; (2) belief bias: making conclusion based on too small sample size while associated risks
rumors rather than fundamental factors. Therefore, we agree that it is crucial to jointly solve this problem urgently.? Mr. Phuvanatnaranubala said that ?Spreading of rumors which misleads the public to
companies have already started to provide this type of service for their clients as ASEAN stock exchanges have started their trading linkage. Programmatic trading, in particular HFT, has become quite popular
companies have already started to provide this type of service for their clients as ASEAN stock exchanges have started their trading linkage. Programmatic trading, in particular HFT, has become quite popular
in monitoring listed companies.? LCA President Prasert Boonsampan said: ?We are quite satisfied with the overall results. We will continue our support to the program and ask successful performers