Revenues Consolidated (Thousands Baht) Year Change 4th Quarter Change 2018 2017 Amount % 2018 2017 Amount % Revenue from sales 1,540,078 1,566,147 -26,069 -1.66% 371,532 437,506 -65,974 -15.08% Other income
(Thousands Baht) Six-month Change 2nd Quarter Change 2561 2560 Amount % 2561 2560 Amount % Revenue from sales 740,665 742,524 -1,859 -0.25% 372,742 414,841 -42,099 -10.15% Other income 12,728 7,320 5,408 73.88
business through BCP Trading Co., Ltd., the company’s performance has improved from a higher transaction volume in terms of product line, and new trade partners. Marketing Business Group has exhibited
, increased as 66.68 million baht, comparing to the cost of goods sold in 2016 which is 122.31 million baht or increased by 54.52 percent. The cost of goods sold has increased as well as the sales volume
revenue from sales and services amounted to Baht 8,148 million which increased by Baht 1,296 million or 19% QoQ due to the increase in sale quantity and selling price. On a YoY basis, the Company and
due to the declining in raw water sales volume and net profit attributable to Equity holders of the parent company was 1,117.52 million Baht, decreased by 103.66 million Baht or 8.49%. Income statement
cards; at the same time allowing users to accumulate reward points. The payment amount, the quantity of fuel filled, and the number of reward points received will be displayed on the Mobile EDC for
due to the raising in raw water sales volume and net profit attributable to equity holders of the parent company of 609.48 million Baht, increased by 28.85 million Baht or 4.97%. Income statement
) 1st Quarter Change Amount % Revenue from sales 367,923 327,683 40,240 12.28% Other income 9,145 2,646 6,499 245.62% Total Revenue 377,068 330,329 46,739 14.15% Company total revenue of 1st quarter on
rfo rm an ce Revenues 15,178 11,669 Sales Volume (k tons) 812 722 EBITDA 1,062 1,189 Net Profit (Loss) 990 (7) HR C HRC Sales (k tons) 812 722 HRC Production Volume (k tons) 876 733 HRC Average Selling