efficiency of procurement process and inventory management, which could be assessed as 8% of total synergy value. A digital system will be applied in order to improve the process, resulting in Economy of Scale
role on this committee. To further improve the selection process, the Principles also call for full and timely disclosure of the experience and background of candidates for the board and the nomination
public and ?Core Process Improvement? for developing its services and internal operating systems under the project ' SMART SEC Administrative Office". The awards were given at ?Thailand ICT Excellence
55.98% and 56.10% respectively which is resulting from the proper management of manpower at stores and back office including the better results from the process improvement project and more staff training
รหิารการจดัการในเรื่องจ านวนพนักงานทัง้ส่วนหน้ารา้นคา้และในฝ่าย ส านักงาน โรงงาน ใหม้ปีระสทิธภิาพมากยิง่ขึน้ โดยการจดัท าโครงการ Process Improvement ในหลายๆส่วน การจดัอบรมเพื่อใหพ้นกังานมคีวามเขา้ใจในงา
reports on audit quality control systems for audit firms to reflect and improve on their audit quality. Meanwhile, stakeholders in the financial reporting ecosystem, especially the audit committee
. For example, the revision will improve dispute conditions between securities and derivatives companies and clients through arbitration procedures.? In the case of making a reservation of right, the
case of movement or changes in transactions. This significantly decrease the time of each process because each activity in the Capital Market has complicated process and steps regarding document
stakeholders were incorporated into the finalization process. The SEC has issued notifications specifying the amendments with the key points as follows: (1) To adjust the frequency of submitting IT
services to protect investors’ asset and stringent supervision on asset separation to keep private funds safe without asking for the approval of being custodian again. Such move will improve flexibility