exchange issued by commercial banks having credit rating not lower than investment grade, providing that support rating will also be allowed.The revised regulations will clearly determine responsibility of
bondholders both in cases of approval and decline of approval for the above matters with respective supporting reasons, and clearly provide information to the bondholders together with the opinions of the
benefits and shortcomings as well as the potential impacts on the bondholders both in cases of approval and decline of approval for the above matters with respective supporting reasons, and clearly provide
above matters with respective supporting reasons, and clearly provide information to the bondholders together with the opinions of the bondholder representative. The bondholders are, therefore, encouraged
clearly specify items and amounts in order to correct its past financial statements. In this regard, DAIDO has proposed that it will arrange for appraisal of its fixed assets in which the entire process
clearly provide information to the bondholders together with the opinions of the bondholder representative. The bondholders are, therefore, encouraged to thoroughly review the information and exercise
matter, such appointment shall be made in writing or by clearly recorded resolution of the board of directors’ meeting. In this regard, the scope of authority of the appointee shall be clearly stated
the above matters with respective supporting reasons, and clearly provide information to the bondholders together with the opinions of the bondholders’ representative. The bondholders are, therefore
the above matters with respective supporting reasons, and clearly provide information to the bondholders together with the opinions of the bondholders’ representative. The bondholders are, therefore
potential impacts on the bondholders both in cases of approval and decline of approval for the above matters with respective supporting reasons, and clearly provide information to the bondholders together