กองทนุเปิดไทยพาณิชย ์Autonomous Technology and Robotics 1 1. บรษิทัจดัการ : ชือ่ : บรษัิท หลักทรัพยจ์ัดการกองทนุไทยพาณชิย ์จํากดั ทีอ่ยู ่(ภาษาไทย) : ชัน้ 7 – 8 อาคาร 1 ไทยพาณชิย ์ปารค์ พลาซา่ เลขที
& systems, autonomous network, data analytics, and people capability. Optimal capital allocation will be executed to improve efficiency to maximize value to customers and stakeholders. CAPEX approx. 25-26bn
& systems, autonomous network, data analytics, and people capability. Optimal capital allocation will be executed to improve efficiency to maximize value to customers and stakeholders. CAPEX approx. 25-26bn
synergies to achieve higher efficiency while improving product delivery and superior customer experience, AIS will continue to enhance IT processes & systems, autonomous network, data analytics, and people
Re: Particulars of Notice Calling Shareholders’ Meeting of Listed Companies to Obtain Approval for Issuance and Offer of Securities for Sale
transaction is considered commercially viable, the price of AJP shares to be issued for share swap at 8 baht per share is not appropriate. The said view coincided with the opinion expressed by the independent
Repeal of the Notification of the Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission regarding Rules for Appointment of Independent Director of Intermediary
ที่เป็นพื้นฐานเพื่อการต่อยอดนวัตกรรมที่จะพลิกโฉมธุรกิจและ อุตสาหกรรมต่างๆในอนาคต เช่น Autonomous and Robotics, Artificial Intelligence/ Machine Learning and Big Data, Distributed Ledger, Cloud and
IT automation, enabling autonomous monitoring, maintenance, predictive data analytics, and artificial intelligence capabilities. With these, we emphasize driving growth in core service revenue across
our 3 key foundations in Autonomous Network, IT Intelligence, and Data Analytics to drive growth across our core business areas. • Mobile revenue to grow despite a challenging competitive landscape