Listed Companies. Their participation will lead to creation of anti-corruption culture and eventually become a role model for Thai private sector. This is thus not merely a symbolic gesture or a proposal
, the SEC has reported the legal proceedings under the SEA above to the AMLO as well.In any case, filing the criminal complaint is merely the commencement of the criminal procedure whereby the inquiry
: Publicizing CSR activities is merely a support of CSR practices, not the key objective of doing CSR. CSR publicity can be made internally to communicate and encourage employees to participate in the activities
increased significantly with loss allowance based on 12 month expected credit loss. Stage 2: financial assets where the credit risk has significantly increased and Stage 3: credit-impaired financial assets
impact from TFRS 15 accounting standard, resulting in lower recognition of share of profit by THB 92.3 mm. However, this is merely accounting impact, not related to cashflow from operation. • Financial
order to accommodate business expansion. 3Q17 administrative expenses nevertheless increased merely 7% which was half of the 9-month period. It can imply that most of the increase was in the first half of
favorable EBITDA stemmed from not only the revenue growth but also the effective cost control as mentioned above. Financing Cost The financing cost increased from merely THB 0.3 million to the amount of THB
. Financing Cost The financing cost of 3Q19 decreased yoy from THB 3.8 million to merely THB 0.5 million. All bank loans were paid off in 3Q19. Net Profit Net profit attributable to the Company of 3Q has
credit-impaired financial assets (POCI) 3 domestic political uncertainties that may affect investor confidence and result in a delay of government policy implementation. For the auto industry, the total
81 million, respectively. The Group recognizes an allowance for expected credit losses on its trade receivables, and it is no longer necessary for a credit-impaired event to have occurred. The Group