. The overall result was positive with practical guidelines for handling issues of concerns and for developing robust capital markets across the region. We proposed for the roundtable discussion to be
companies? operations with increased transparency and prudence. The revision is in line with current international standards, which increasingly take into account these issues. Comments and suggestions on the
companies? operations with increased transparency and prudence. The revision is in line with current international standards, which increasingly take into account these issues. Comments and suggestions on the
companies? operations with increased transparency and prudence. The revision is in line with current international standards, which increasingly take into account these issues. Comments and suggestions on the
DERIVATIVES ACT DERIVATIVES ACT B.E. 2546 (2003) SECTION 9. The SEC shall have the power and duty to formulate policies, to promote and develop, as well as to supervise, matters concerning
DERIVATIVES ACT DERIVATIVES ACT B.E. 2546 (2003) SECTION 9. The SEC shall have the power and duty to formulate policies, to promote and develop, as well as to supervise, matters concerning
community. The Principles apply predominantly to publicly listed companies and set out expectations around corporate governance issues that are most likely to influence investment decision-making. They are
responsibilities. These responsibilities take different forms, extending from formal rights to exercise votes or to put matters formally in front of other investors, to informal scope for exercising influence on
?April. AGM serves as a venue of shareholders to exercise their rights to vote and ask for clarification in management related issues from companies? directors, executives and auditor. Vorapol said that
directors and executives and (3) proposed for change of nature of business undertaking of the company. The statement also includes details on the date of negotiation on the aforesaid matters and the list of