Supervisory Board) by determining such PP’ offer price more than three business days prior to the first offering date and failing to disclose the PP information prior to such offering via the Stock Exchange of
procedures as specified in the notification of the Capital Market Supervisory Board by failing to put in place sufficient and effective communication guideline with the investors and internal management in the
notification of the SEC by failing to put in place a sufficient and effective system for brokerage services system in digital asset trading, causing the coin prices displayed in the order book was inaccurately
comply with the rules, conditions and procedures as specified in the notification of the SEC by failing to put in place a sufficient and effective system for brokerage services system in digital asset as
Board by failing to perform its duties with due care and preserve the interest of the debenture holders as would reasonably be expected of similar professionals. SEC Act S.46 Settlement Committee
to order or act where he has the duty, resulted in the offence committed by Zipmex concerning the case that Zipmex has been failing to report a summary of the assignment of other persons to perform
Brokerage: Investment Units, failed to comply with the rules, conditions and procedures as specified in the notification by failing to maintain capital adequacy in accordance with the rules, conditions and
Brokerage: Investment Units, failed to comply with the rules, conditions and procedures as specified in the notification by failing to put in place sufficient and effective Investment consultant ("IC
Brokerage: Investment Units, failed to comply with the rules, conditions and procedures as specified in the notification by failing to specify the extent and procedure of outsource function related to
Securities Brokerage: Investment Units, failed to comply with the rules, conditions and procedures as specified in the notification by failing to put in complex fund sale system accordance with the