raise fund through crowdfunding. “Equip Thai SMEs and startups with Innovations and Technologies” and “The Journey Toward the Digital Era” by the executives from the leading startup companies in
54 Market & Regulatory Transition Process Transition Energy Transition Product Transition Halt and reverse deforestation Roles of S&T 12 18 OUR JOURNEY Dec. 21 Jan –May 22 Review data and assumptions
scenarios. Lastly, it is hoped that Thailand Taxonomy will be one of the foundations for supporting the economy on the transition journey towards the sustainable environment in a smooth and timely manner
scenarios. Lastly, it is hoped that Thailand Taxonomy will be one of the foundations for supporting the economy on the transition journey towards the sustainable environment in a smooth and timely manner
area-based development initiative aiming to revitalise the well-known Eastern Seaboard where, for 30 years, numerous business developers have experienced a rewarding investment journey and achievements
Advertising revenue increased by 68.9% YoY to THB 415mn o System integration services revenue increased by 38.7% YoY to THB 333mn Media operation in Malaysia reached its break-even of net profit for the first
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12mb in Q1 2018 which was subsequently written off in Q4 2018, the improvement in net profit should be 12.4%. 1. Revenue Structure Table 2: The break down revenue by business entities. Type of Revenue
12.00mb in Q1 2018 which was subsequently written off in Q4 2018, the improvement in net profit should be 12.4%. 1. Revenue Structure Table 2: The break down revenue by business entities. Type of Revenue