investment unit selling.The SEC led Thai private sector on a business trip to Japan in February to meet Japanese executives from both public and private sectors, aiming to strengthen collaboration with FSA
for polyester fiber sector, PIA demand also got impacted due to lower demand in UPR and coating sectors which are linked to construction industries. IVL continues its journey to create a r-PET capacity
Korea - Vietnam - Thailand 2) Charter service for voyage charter and time charter 3) Ship management 4) Stevedoring 5) Ship repair and ship maintenance 6) Sale and purchase of ships 7) Agency. Top 10
1 NO. NCH 024/2562 July 11, 2019 Subject : Notice of setting up a new subsidiary under joint venture agreement to cover intermediate care and wellness business Attn. : Director and Manager The Stock
privileges via services at branches and other channels, including special activities. Of note were “The Symbol of Your Journey”, an exclusive trip to pay homage to the Triple Gem of Buddhism at monasteries
2017 has been a momentous year for Indorama Venture in more ways than one. The Company surpassed several milestones in its journey towards its stated vision of becoming a “world-class chemical company
2017 has been a momentous year for Indorama Venture in more ways than one. The Company surpassed several milestones in its journey towards its stated vision of becoming a “world-class chemical company
Underway Amidst the recovery in the economy and our industries, we remain focused and committed to the various transformation programs that IVL embarked on in 2020. We are making good progress on our journey
ที่ NCH 23/2549 1 ท่ี NCH 024/2562 วนัที่ 11 กรกฎาคม 2562 เร่ือง แจ้งการร่วมทนุจดัตัง้บริษทัยอ่ยแหง่ใหม ่เพื่อรองรับธุรกจิ Intermediate care และ Wellness เรียน กรรมการ และผู้จดัการ ตลาดหลกัทรัพย์แหง่
2018 Trip Mil.Baht Income pertrip Trip Mil.Baht Income pertrip - Donsak - Samui Island 3,263 102.30 31,352 3,201 98.67 30,825 - Donsak - Phangan Island 1,137 54.28 47,741 1,118 52.41 46,878 - Samui