in capital markets. This new initiative saw the Big-Four audit firms in Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore and Thailand agree to work towards achieving a reduction of at least 25% in the number of listed
resolved to approve the generation of alternative income channels and the reduction of expenses as follows:(1) To enhance the securities companies’ ability in managing liquidity, it is approved in
investment trusts; (2) a 30-percent rate reduction for medium-sized and larger listed companies; and (3) an extension of the annual fee payment due date from May 2020 to the end
Pathways to GHG Emission Reduction 10 11 Imagining better futures for all Thank You
Company and subsidiaries established the cost efficiency projects to optimize the production cost, waste management and tighter control of purchasing raw material to in- line with reduction in sales and
cost of one project affecting a reduction of income of Baht 20.51 million and also the estimation of penalty charge of two projects expected to be delayed affecting a reduction of income of Baht 5.47
one project affecting a reduction of income of Baht 20.51 million and the estimation of penalty charge of one project expected to be delayed affecting a reduction of income of Baht 2.56 million
has reduced by Baht 105 million (31%) from Q3/2018’s Baht 337 million to Baht 232 million. The changes are as follows: There is a reduction in contract costs of Baht 104 million (34%) from Q3/2018’s
reduction of sales. However, the Company remained the position without long-term debts. Accordingly, the total shareholders’ equity amounted to 3 ,581 .08 million baht, decreased by 15 .22 million baht
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