) % Total Sales and Services revenue 2,232.71 2,249.07 16.36 0.73% Raw water revenue 1,433.96 1,310.05 (123.91) (8.64%) Tap water revenue 702.23 708.00 5.77 0.82% Rental and services revenue 85.73 82.68 (3.05
the year 2019, East Water Group had total consolidated sales and services income of 4,680.08 million Baht, increased by 459.09 million Baht or 10.88% compared to the year 2018 as the raising in raw
% Total Sales and Services revenue 1,000.61 1,195.92 (195.31) (16.33%) 2,157.63 2,360.75 (203.12) (8.60%) Raw water revenue 586.67 734.08 (147.41) (20.08%) 1,297.40 1,429.95 (132.55) (9.27%) Tap water
Q1/2017 due to the declining in raw water sales volume) and Net profit attributable to Equity holders of the parent company was 302.67 million Baht, decreased by 61.26 million Baht or 16.83% compared
74110 Thailand. E-mail: ir@aienergy.co.th บริษัท เอไอ เอนเนอร์จี จํากดั (มหาชน) AI Energy Public Company Limited ทะเบียนเลขที 0107556000311 the biodiesel mandatory and the raw material price reduce as the
ประกอบธุรกิจระดับผู้บริหารหน่วยงาน (head of department) ขึ้นไป 4 ล ำดับ ค ำถำม ค ำตอบ 4. กำรปฏิบัติงำนท่ีมีกำรใช้อุปกรณ์เคลื่อนท่ี (mobile device) เพื่อเข้ำถึงระบบสำรสนเทศภำยในองค์กร และกำรปฏิบัติงำนจำก
% comparing with Q3/16. This is because of the higher cost of raw material in th the cost of goods sold is increased by 53.96 million baht (10.16%) which affect to our gross margin to down by 36.6 million baht
buildings in the area of 15,068 sqm., located at 67 Moo 11, Debaratna Road Km 20, Banghalong, Bangplee, Samutprakarn. For operating household electric appliance product warehouse including office for managing
2018 as the raising in raw water sales volume while costs of sales and services totally 2,003.08 million Baht, increased by 357.38 million Baht or 21.72% because of increasing of electricity cost. Net
due to the raising in raw water sales volume and net profit attributable to equity holders of the parent company of 609.48 million Baht, increased by 28.85 million Baht or 4.97%. Income statement