be used to enable linkage to other service providers under the National Digital ID program in the future. 3. Customers’ right to choose services must not be restricted. 4. IT risk management and cyber
capital adequacy and liquidity position assessment for improving of our forward-looking and preventive portfolio management to comply with the Bank of Thailand’s regulations and directions. Value-Based
while also improving efficiency in the Conglomerate’s risk and reserve management as well as capital adequacy and liquidity position assessment for improvement of the Conglomerate’s forward-looking and
cap on private spending, which may lead to rising risk in the future. Moreover, heightened risk from the global economy, including Thailand – coupled with digital disruption – negatively impacted
Thailand. Currently, our capital position is greater than the Bank of Thailand’s requirement, which is sufficient to cope with the growth of business operations both at present and in the future. 6 . Risk
’ loans, and focused mainly on borrowers with good track records, and existing low-risk customers. 2.2 Market Risk Management During this quarter, the Thai and US interest rates moved in accordance with the
in the company’s strategy and capital allocation. Risk should be managed accordingly in a rational, appropriately independent, dynamic and forward-looking way. This process of managing risks should be
clients. In addition, we remained cautious in credit underwriting of small and micro businesses, and focused mainly on existing customers with good track records or classified as low-risk customers. 2.2
ระทบในดา้นลบ ควรอธิบายแนวทางแกไ้ข รวมทั้งการบริหารจดัการความเส่ียงของบริษทัประกอบดว้ย 5. ควรอธิบายปัจจยัส าคญัท่ีอาจมีผลกระทบต่อการด าเนินงานของบริษทัในอนาคต (forward looking) ประกอบดว้ย 6. ใชแ้บบสอบทา
งมีนยัส าคญั (forward looking) รวมทัง้การ บริหารความเสีย่งที่เก่ียวข้อง (ถ้าม)ี หมายเหต ุ แบบประเมินตนเองนี ้จดัท าขึน้เพื่อเป็นเคร่ืองมือช่วยในการจดัท า MD&A ให้มีข้อมลูที่เป็นประโยชน์ตอ่ผู้ลงทนุ และเป็นไป