paid-up capital. The Company will recognize the profit from Manufacturing and selling dried fruits, including the return from its subsidiary. Also, the subsidiary will sustainably support growth of the
to develop the DIF towards becoming a significant digital infrastructure for the Thai capital market, the ThaiBMA is committed to further developing the Thai bond market to grow sustainably in the
this respect, the Thai capital market has potential and important roles that can help revive the Thai economy and society to develop continuously, inclusively, and sustainably into the future. These
with the government to advance the course of development, and businesses are encouraged to invest in community, technology, innovation and finance sustainably.” Dr. Kobsak Pootrakool, Deputy
are sustainably different from the underlying financial version of the agency theory. It assumes that each stakeholder is a part of implicit and explicit contracts that can contribute to a corporation
decision-making of companies The 12 SDG Impact Enterprise Actions 1.Commit to operating sustainably and making a positive contribution to the SDGs 2. Understand the sustainability context and map current and
early 2018. - OSP energy drink market share was at 54%. Q4’18 M150 market share was at 37.9% increase by 90bps QOQ. C-Vitt took over leadership position in functional drink market, with Q4’18 market share
with an unrelated Thai party namely Mr. Vuthithorn Milintachinda for the objectives of marketing and sales of functional drinks and/or other products under the trademark(s) developed by the JV company
อนุมัติให้ ACV เข้าท าสัญญาร่วมทุนกับพันธมิตรทางธุรกิจสัญชาติไทยซึ่งไม่มีความเก่ียวขอ้งกับ บริษัทฯ ไดแ้ก่ นายวุฒิธร มิลินทจินดา เพื่อประกอบธุรกิจการตลาดและขายเครื่องดื่มประเภท Functional Drinks และ/ หรือ
แร ่ กำแฟพรอ้มดืม่ และ Functional Drinks โดยมสีว่นแบง่กำรตลำดรวมที ่30.0% ทัง้นีใ้น Q2’62 ตลำดผลติภัณฑเ์ครือ่งดืม่บ ำรงุก ำลงัในประเทศ ยังคงรักษำอตัรำกำรเตบิโตไดด้ทีี ่5.5% และจำกกำรทีบ่รษัิทใชก้ลย