With a view to elevating corporate governance of listed companies, the SEC aims for all of them to comply with the 15 CG principles, place importance on roles and duties of directors including
and derivatives businesses. Vasant Thienhom, SEC Deputy Secretary-General, said that ?Following suspicious report, the SEC probed into the case and found that Yuttana held himself out as money manager
businesses, B.E. 2561 on expectation to come into force on 16 July 2018.This notification will be enforced on those who will operate businesses as trading centers, brokerage firms and dealers for digital
Both existing businesses that already operate a digital business before the legal enforcement or newcomers who are interested in obtaining licenses as trading centers, brokerage firms or traders
Bangkok, October 31, 2012 - The SEC is seeking public comment on regulation on outsourcing in securities and derivatives businesses. The proposed regulation aims to standardize the supervision on
1207 for the SEC?s further investigation,? Sakkarin added. Previously, on December 17, 2012, Jaray was also named in the criminal complaint on the same offense for being director of unlicensed businesses
strategic directions in the Strategic Plan 2023-2025 is to raise potentiality of the Thai capital market towards “Sustainable Capital Market” by encouraging listed companies to conduct their businesses
Bangkok, February 12, 2013 ? The SEC places a high priority on raising the quality of information disclosure of listed companies, particularly management discussion and analysis (MD&A) in the annual
The notification of the Ministry of Finance regarding prescription of conditions for securities company to apply for approval of person to be major shareholder defines the “Major Shareholder” as any person directly or indirectly holding shares of securities company in excess of ten percent of voting shares of such company.Where a securities company issues shares with different voting rights, certain shareholders may have the number of voting share more or less than the number of voting rig...