enhance financial knowledge and foster the development of financial skills within the educational system. The MOU also seeks to improve financial literacy among teacher trainees, teachers, school
transactions.Vorapol Socatiyanurak, SEC Secretary-General said that ?The SEC has initiated a wide range of activities to enhance AGM quality. This year, we have encouraged the right protection volunteers to perform
Bangkok, October 1, 2012 ? The SEC signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Office of Auditor General of Thailand (OAG) on September 27 to enhance audit quality of state owned enterprises
Presently, several companies are interested to raise fund through digital token offer to finance their investment in office buildings or condominiums which will later be rented for income shared to holders of digital tokens or real estate-backed initial coin offering (ICO). Meanwhile, the regulations have not yet extended to such fund raising method and a smart contract has not yet covered an enforcement of investors’ rights in some issues which are activities occurring outside blockchain...
enhance the efficiency of the existing provident funds. Essentially, the key principles of the amendments are as follows: 1. Fund management and structure: e.g., revising provisions to support the
On 15 November 2022, the Capital Market Supervisory Baord Meeting No. 11/2565 passed a resolution approving the proposal for amendment to the regulations on equity allocation to promote clarity. The SEC later conducted a public hearing to gather views and suggestions on the matter from stakeholders during February – March 2023. The finalized amendment to the equity allocation regulations* has recently been issued. Essentially, an equity issuing company is required to comply with the following pr...
SEC is welcoming public comments on a drafted notifications of the approval for offering of newly issued shares and information disclosure, applying to issuers and listed companies, in accordance with the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) standards and FSAP. Reexamining these regulations would help to further credibility of the Thai capital market and to build up confidence for both domestic and foreign investors. For the principle of the revision, the SEC had al...