prepared the production of B100 to follow the new standard of Monoglyceride content not exceeding 0.4%. Together with ability to efficiently manage raw material cost, gross profit was improved from the
whole or in part, to manage the business of the securities company only with the approval from the Office. In cases where it later appears that the persons under the first paragraph have the prohibited
whole or in part, to manage the business of the securities company only with the approval from the Office. In cases where it later appears that the persons under the first paragraph have the prohibited
Office in accordance with the rules, conditions and procedures specified in the notification of the SEC. The securities company may act as a custodian for the person who has authorized it to manage the
Office in accordance with the rules, conditions and procedures specified in the notification of the SEC. The securities company may act as a custodian for the person who has authorized it to manage the
, and Mr. Phonlasit Phumiwasana by having an agreement to exercise their voting rights in the same direction, or an agreement to jointly manage a business, failed to report the acquisition of Solution
Piyavechvirat, and Mr. Phonlasit Phumiwasana by having an agreement to exercise their voting rights in the same direction, or an agreement to jointly manage a business, failed to report the acquisition of
Vongchinsri, and Mr. Phonlasit Phumiwasana by having an agreement to exercise their voting rights in the same direction, or an agreement to jointly manage a business, failed to report the acquisition of
Vongchinsri, and Ms. Tanaporn Piyavechvirat by having an agreement to exercise their voting rights in the same direction, or an agreement to jointly manage a business, failed to report the acquisition of
monitoring and coordinating with the business operators, we have found that they have implemented their BCP to manage possible impacts of COVID-19 and opened an alternative site or installed remote working