ended 31 March 2020 2 | P a g e *Value may differ by one decimal point due to rounding Highlights 1/ One-time expenses in Q1/2019 were resulted from the employee retirement benefit (net after tax). 2
beneficiaries diverge from each other. Financial Reporting Council 7 Principle 3 Institutional investors should monitor their investee companies. Guidance Effective monitoring is an essential component of
data, particularly those from outside the company. In addition, any forward looking statements are subject to change as market conditions and actual outcomes may differ from forecasts. BAM makes no
to change as market conditions and actual outcomes may differ from forecasts. BAM makes no representation or warranty of any type whatsoever on the accuracy or completeness of the information contained
the company. In addition, any forward looking statements are subject to change as market conditions and actual outcomes may differ from forecasts. BAM makes no representation or warranty of any type
) derivatives trading by the client has or may have an impact on the orderly trading of the derivatives exchange, or has caused or may cause the trading price to deviate from normal market conditions; (b) the
) derivatives trading by the client has or may have an impact on the orderly trading of the derivatives exchange, or has caused or may cause the trading price to deviate from normal market conditions; (b) the
each provision of the IOSCO CRA Code is of conduct deviate from the IOSCO CRA Code and how such deviations nonetheless achieve the objectives laid out in the IOSCO CRA Code and the IOSCO CRA Principles
all cash collection items from the NPL and NPA management business. However, cash collection is not a standard indicator prescribed by TFRS, and so the methods of calculation may differ from methods of
and/or Directors of the Company, which Differ from the Opinion of the Board of Directors as per Item 10. The Audit Committee and other directors of the Company do not have any opinion that is different