belief and reasonable ground that it is for the best interest of the company, which includes the interest of the shareholders. Q: In case an executive director commits a dishonest act without being
company commits an offence under Section 92, Section 96, Section 102, Section 105, Section 106, Section 108, Section 109, 14 Section 110, Section 113, Section 114, Section 115, Section 116, Section 117
assistance to a beneficiary who inspects book of trust property under Section 47. SECTION 71 In cases where a trustee commits an offence under Section 70, the director, manager or any person responsible for
fine not exceeding sixty thousand baht, or both. Section 37. In a case where the person who commits the offence under Section 36 is a juristic person and the commission of an offence by such juristic
not exceeding six months or a fine not exceeding sixty thousand baht, or both. Section 37. In a case where the person who commits the offence under Section 36 is a juristic person and the commission of
imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months or a fine not exceeding sixty thousand baht, or both. Section 37. In a case where the person who commits the offence under Section 36 is a juristic person and the
have the duty to disclose the information relating to any violation and penalty imposed on such person who commits an offence under this Emergency Decree, including any other information obtained in the
on such person who commits an offence under this Emergency Decree, including any other information obtained in the performance of duties under this Emergency Decree in accordance with the rules as
CRA should ensure that it has and devotes sufficient resources to carry out and maintain high quality credit ratings. When deciding whether to issue a credit rating for an entity or obligation, a CRA
collectively hold not less than ten percent of all the secured debentures sold. SECTION 48. In case the debenture holder representative commits an offence against property as stipulated in Chapter 1, Chapter 3