current total is 130,109 kiosks, increasing 9.2% YoY, and it slightly increased due to relocating kiosks scheme, which the kiosks are removed from the area that generate low income to the new area that can
relocating its production lines of sauces and condiments to its new factory, so during such period, the new factory was in the early stage of production; therefore, the production was unable to run efficiently
residential buildings in condominiums for sale and developed for construction to be Community Mall for sale. 2. The total expenses amounted to Baht 22.82 million, a decrease of Baht 370.66 million reduced costs
sustainable development of the respective capital markets. In the initial phase, the SEC has developed Additional Guidance for disclosing sustainability information for Hong Kong's ESG Funds, intending to
financial instruments and put in place effective regulations to ensure compliance, fairness, and prevent exploitation of stakeholders. As the market became more developed, new products were introduced and
can easily analyze and compare their financial statements with those of companies in developed countries. However, both organizations viewed that it is necessary to allow exemption from the IFRS in some
possibility of increasing number of independent directors. In some other developed countries, 50% of the board of directors are required to be independent. As for listed companies? directors to understand
national employment system and students. In addition, long-term savings tools for specific professions, such as direct sales, will be developed and more varieties of investment channels will be created to
have developed applications such as SEC Check First and SEC Bond Check as a self-help tools for investors to check products or service providers that are regulated by SEC. In addition, SEC has formed
SEC has been supporting Thai firms in issuing Green Bond, Social Bond and Sustainability Bond. Over the past few years, international capital markets have developed SLB, a sustainable finance product