against, and detection of, malware and measures for recovering information systems from malware attacks; (3) back up copies of critical business information, computer operating systems and application
detection of, malware and measures for recovering information systems from malware attacks; Additional Guidelines 1. The intermediary shall establish measures under Clause 23(2), at a minimum, as follows: (1
for operations security relating to information systems in accordance with the following criteria: (2) establish measures for prevention against, and detection of, malware and measures for recovering
14064-1:2018 or ISO 14064-2:2019 equivalents • At retrofitting, measurement equipment for monitoring of physical emissions, such as those from methane leakage, is installed or a leak detection and repair
_________________________________________________________________________ ( จัดให้มีระบบป้องกันการบุกรุก เช่น intrusion prevention system (IPS) / firewall และ ระบบตรวจสอบการบุกรุกระบบเครือข่าย เช่น intrusion detection system (IDS) โปรดระบุรายละเอียดวิธีการ
สอบบัญชีในตลาดทุน 2.4 ร่วมกับผู้ร่วมตลาดพัฒนาระบบ Detection และการดูแล systemic risks • พัฒนาระบบ Detection เพ่ิมเติม : - ระบบ Health Check ตรวจจ ับส ัญญาณความเส ี ่ยงเร ื ่องการท ุจร ิต/ การตกแต่งงบการ
to prevent zero-day attack, proactive threat detection e.g., increase visibility to detect external threats, and timely and effective threat response, for enhanced capability in tackling digital risk
intrusion detection system (IDS) โปรดระบุรำยละเอียดวิธีกำร __________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________
including advanced threat prevention, proactive threat detection, and timely and effective threat response, for enhanced capability in tackling digital risk and cyber security challenges while staying ahead
sound risk management. We prioritize risk control including efficient risk identification, as well as prevention against, detection of, and response to potential risks, and the establishment of a cyber