arbitral proceeding other than those prescribed herein shall be in compliance with the provisions of the Arbitration Act. Clause 5. In the arbitral process, the Office shall assign its staff to perform
arbitral proceeding other than those prescribed herein shall be in compliance with the provisions of the Arbitration Act. Clause 5. In the arbitral process, the Office shall assign its staff to perform
proceeding other than those prescribed herein shall be in compliance with the provisions of the Arbitration Act. Clause 5. In the arbitral process, the Office shall assign its staff to perform administrative
านวน designate directors อยา่งนอ้ย 1 ใน 3 ของจ านวนกรรมการทั้งหมด บทบาทหน้าที่ของผู้ทีท่ าหน้าที ่oversight : ใหเ้ป็นไปตามหลกัเกณฑท่ี์คณะกรรมการ ก.ต.ท. ประกาศก าหนด เช่น (1) ดูแลการบริหารจดัการกองทุน
transfer of Fame Line Company Limited will support and strengthen the Company’s operation , expand the customers base and generate better returns on a long-term basis. 3. Approval to appoint the Company’s
company secretary. Nevertheless, the fundamental intention of the company secretary requirement is to assign a responsible person for preparing and storing the company's important documents. To appoint any
company secretary. Nevertheless, the fundamental intention of the company secretary requirement is to assign a responsible person for preparing and storing the company's important documents. To appoint any
appoint competent officers to perform duties in accordance with this Act. Such ministerial regulations shall come into force upon publication in the Government Gazette.
appoint competent officers to perform duties in accordance with this Act. Such ministerial regulations shall come into force upon publication in the Government Gazette.
appoint it to act as securities broker. For the purpose of fairness to the parties, the SEC may specify any particulars which are material to the agreement.