States) modernizing electronic systems, which enable the delivery of documents (e-delivery), proxies (e-proxy) and advertisements on shareholder meeting. This would allow shareholders to take part in
(Oldest) English (United States) modernizing electronic systems, which enable the delivery of documents (e-delivery), proxies (e-proxy) and advertisements on shareholder meeting. This would allow
Quarter 1 /2018. The major part was income from transportation revenue, income from voucher unused from customers and compensation from delayed construction. Cost of Sales and Gross Profit Unit : THB mm
driven by the continued growth in construction industry and further renovation/expansion of retail stores and new Shopping complexes despite revenue recognition delays from some turnkey projects to next
construction industry, the expansion of new Shopping complexes and renovated stores, and the sales recognition in this quarter of some backlog turnkey projects ; - Wholesales/Retails up 14% Y-O-Y thanks to the
difference of gold prices in the financial statements for Q3/2010 and record the estimated damages arising from breach of agreement on gold delivery in the financial statements in the year 2010.? THL ?s
higher employee expenses, depreciation, delivery expenses caused by the rise in the number of delivery trips as a result of the increase in sales, and higher transportation rate adjusted since May 2018
process with little finished goods pending for customer delivery. The group companies normally write-off out-of-date inventory, and make provision for aged inventory and depletion in the value of fixed
' order, consequently, the majority of inventory are raw materials, expendable tools and work in process with little finished goods pending for customer delivery. The group companies normally write-off out
=electronic+property+OR+%22electronic+property%22+OR+%22electrica... English (United States) modernizing electronic systems, which enable the delivery of documents (e-delivery), proxies (e-proxy) and