related regulations have already been put in place, and will expand the scope of the related regulations to cover both inbound and outbound unit offerings in support of the HK-TH MRF project. The
services as investment consultant and investment analyst and choosing products for investors. Moreover, providing research reports that cover ESG aspects of listed companies will urge listed companies to
underwritten by them. The permission will cover either trading to hedge derivatives positions that underwriters already have or trading of shares in SET50 or SET100 subject to certain conditions. In addition
expansion of the scopes of work of derivatives investor contact type B (limited to gold futures) and selling agents of gold futures brokers to cover provision of services relevant to the said precious metals. # # #
• Gross profit margin increases from the same period of last year from 41.2% to 46.9%. According to the Company has a planning and controlling for raw material purchase and has efficiently managed portion
%, because the price of natural rubber which is the main raw material for production increased. • Selling and administrative expenses decreased 2.03 million baht or 5.15 % due to higher operating efficiency
%, because the price of natural rubber, which is the main raw material for production, decreased. • Selling expenses decreased 2.46 million baht or 6.04 % due to higher operating efficiency and other expenses
Microsoft Word - fully covered.doc การลงทุนใน derivative หรือ warrant ท่ีกําหนดให ตองทําการ fully cover ไว ซ่ึงประเภทหลักทรัพยและทรัพยสินท่ีกองทุนสามารถใช cover ได ประกอบดวย 1. เงินสด 2. เงิน
liquidate the collaterals. Nevertheless, the liquidation value may be insufficient to cover the debt, causing losses to the brokers and impacting the credibility of the overall capital market. Additionally
____________________________________________________________________ Remark: The rationale for issuing this Notification is to determine an undertaking not deemed as a derivatives dealer to cover offer to trade or trade in derivatives for his own account with person