Bangkok, December 25, 2009 ? The SEC is inviting public comment on the draft regulations governing issuance of Islamic bonds or Sukuk and trustees to promote variety of products, expand investor base
Bangkok, December 25, 2009 ? The SEC is inviting public comment on the draft regulations governing issuance of Islamic bonds or Sukuk and trustees to promote variety of products, expand investor base
executives and executives from relevant organizations to discuss ways to expand access for public sector to the sources of funds and financial vehicles in the capital market with the aim of reducing the burden
executives and executives from relevant organizations to discuss ways to expand access for public sector to the sources of funds and financial vehicles in the capital market with the aim of reducing the burden
Fund Approval and Management System (“OFAM”). In addition, the amendment would expand channels for announcement of dividend payment such as websites of asset management companies. The paperless
suppress frauds related to public solicitation for digital asset investment. The group also uses this opportunity to expand the network for sharing knowledge and educating the public about digital asset
Bangkok, December 4, 2013 ? The SEC is seeking public comment on revision of the rules to allow licensed brokerage firms to expand the service on overseas investment in a wider range of financial
related regulations have already been put in place, and will expand the scope of the related regulations to cover both inbound and outbound unit offerings in support of the HK-TH MRF project. The
allowed to apply for derivatives brokerage license limited to precious metals while licensed gold futures brokers will also be eligible to apply for such license to expand their brokering service to silver
for three more years (2024-2026), and to expand the fee deduction scope to include consulting expenses for the preparation of carbon footprint disclosure. In this regard, the deductible amount would