proportion to the increment of revenue 3. Other income was 373.10 million baht, an increase of 368.34 million baht or 7,751%. From the sale and transfer of Ownership of land 487.86 million which is in the
operation expenses in proportion to the increment of revenue 3. Other income was 371.40 million baht, an increase of 369.09 million baht or 15,982%. From the sale and transfer of Ownership of land 487.86
Subject Notification of the Board of Directors No.6/2018 Re: Convening the Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting No.1/2018; an Acquisition of Assets and Connected Transaction for the Entire Business Transfer
Transfer and Allocation of the Newly Issued Shares (Attachment 1), the capital increase and the allocation of the capital increase are shown in the Capital Increase Report Form (F 53-4) (Attachment 3
section Compared to the previous Page 3 of 4 year, an increase of 125 .90 million baht or 100% is due to the recognition of Euroasia Total Logistics Co., Ltd., which has cross-border land transportation
food and beverages were increased of Baht 7.74 million and 5.62 million, respectively from increase in number of tourists while transportation services decreased of Baht 11.15 million from significant
31 March 2020 Ratio 2019 Ratio Increase / (Decrease) Amount % Service revenue 646.34 100% 480.92 100% 165.42 34.40 Cost of service 531.42 82.22% 404.10 84.03% 127.32 31.51 Gross profit 114.91 17.78
%. Distribution costs and administrative expense for the third quarter of 2017 were decreased 12%, an increase of 27% compared with the last year, because of transportation and sales promotion expensed were
Transaction of the Company in Relation to the Acceptance of the Entire Business Transfer and Allocation of the Newly Issued Shares (Attachment 1), the capital increase and the allocation of the capital increase
increased from the same period of previous year by Baht 14.19 million or 18.57 percent, due to the increase in revenue from services of Baht 16.03 million but the revenue from transportation decreased by Baht