globally. 3 The launch of the ‘i-Lead’ and ‘Shadow’ internal leadership programs reiterated our attention towards en- hancing internal capability and strengthening our management bench strength. The Board of
units in order to achieve efficiency in the overall operation of the company. (4) have performance appraisal and personnel development in order to maintain staff’s professional competence to remain fit
achieve efficiency in the overall operation of the company. (4) have performance appraisal and personnel development in order to maintain staff’s professional competence to remain fit and proper for the
coordinating with other units in order to achieve efficiency in the overall operation of the company. (4) have performance appraisal and personnel development in order to maintain staff’s professional competence
management • In managing a mutual fund, the AMC must proceed with honestly and care to preserve the interests of all unitholders, using knowledge and competence as a professional. • The AMC must have a policy
of the staff's capability and efficiency in harmony with the SEC's Strategic Plan, tailor-made training 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 fee income SET contribution 2006 2007 354.6 441.4 162.7
have any of the following prohibited characteristics: (1) having deficiency in legal competence, for instance, being an insolvent person, incompetent or quasi-incompetent person; (2) having or plausibly
the engagement team; (b) having the competence and capabilities, including sufficient time, and the appropriate authority to perform EQR; (c) complying with relevant ethical requirements, including in
be guided by the following five fundamental ethical and professional principles: 1. Integrity 2. Objectivity 3. Professional Competence and Due Care 4. Confidentiality 5. Professional Behaviour Some
will have necessary competence and capabilities in significant areas. Moreover, the firms should notify those policies and procedures to the staff across the organization. 2. Policies and procedures for