พูดคุยกัน เพื่อร่วมกันต่อยอดพัฒนาประสิทธิภาพในการทำงานของฝ่าย โดยมีผู้อำนวยการฝ่ายเป็น Facilitator สมาชิกในฝ่ายร่วมกันจัดระดับความสำคัญหรือความเร่งด่วนของงาน รวมทั้งพูดคุยเปิดใจรับฟัง ช่วยกันแก้ไขปัญหา
comprises printing media (Newspapers: Bangkok Biz, The Nation, and KomChadLuek), activity and event organizer, content production, television media business (“Nation 22” news channel on digital TV) of NBC
, duties and responsibility of a director or an independent director: Name of training course organizer period of Training (month/year
to the role, duties and responsibility of a director or an independent director: Name of training course organizer period of Training (month/year
to the role, duties and responsibility of a director or an independent director: Name of training course organizer period of Training (month/year
เพ่ือเพ่ิม coverage สมำชิก PVD โดยจดัหำและจดัจำ้ง organizer Key success factors & initiatives : มาตรการที่ส่งเสริมการลงทุนระยะยาวผ่านช่องทางอ่ืน 15 กำรจดัท ำบทวิเครำะห์ส ำหรับผูล้งทุน 6,360,000 เงินสนบัส
in such subsidiaries, the Company shall be focusing on the core business, which comprises printing media (Newspapers: Bangkok Biz, The Nation, and KomChadLuek), activity and event organizer, content
January Subject To : Enclosu The Bo “Compa resoluti 1. A C 1 1 E 2. A r y 16, 2018 t : Notificat of New D Director an The Stock E ures : 1. Fo A 2. In (a oard of Dire any”) No. 1 ions as follo Acknowledg Committee a 1.1 Ms.Pi 1.2 Mr.Su Effective fro Approved t replace the 2.1 Ms. Comm 2.2 Mr. S tion on the Directors, a nd Manager Exchange o orm for Re Audit Comm nformation M amended No ectors’ meet 1/2018 (the ows, ged the resi as follows: ichitra Mah umate Sang om January the appointm resig...
January Subject To : Enclosu The Bo “Compa resoluti 1. A C 1 1 E 2. A r y 16, 2018 t : Notificat of New D Director an The Stock E ures : 1. Fo A 2. In (a oard of Dire any”) No. 1 ions as follo Acknowledg Committee a 1.1 Ms.Pi 1.2 Mr.Su Effective fro Approved t replace the 2.1 Ms. Comm 2.2 Mr. S tion on the Directors, a nd Manager Exchange o orm for Re Audit Comm nformation M amended No ectors’ meet 1/2018 (the ows, ged the resi as follows: ichitra Mah umate Sang om January the appointm resig...
January Subject To : Enclosu The Bo “Compa resoluti 1. A C 1 1 E 2. A r y 16, 2018 t : Notificat of New D Director an The Stock E ures : 1. Fo A 2. In (a oard of Dire any”) No. 1 ions as follo Acknowledg Committee a 1.1 Ms.Pi 1.2 Mr.Su Effective fro Approved t replace the 2.1 Ms. Comm 2.2 Mr. S tion on the Directors, a nd Manager Exchange o orm for Re Audit Comm nformation M amended No ectors’ meet 1/2018 (the ows, ged the resi as follows: ichitra Mah umate Sang om January the appointm resig...