authorized to determine and modify terms, conditions and other details including but not limited to the exercise price, the exercise ratio, the allotment and the offering date of such Warrants, the authority
kiosks as the Company has spent more focus on managing the efficient Boonterm kiosks spot. In 2H18, the Company plans to modify kiosk to be intelligent kiosk to support 2 new services, which are selling
kiosks as the Company has spent more focus on managing the efficient Boonterm kiosks spot. In 2H18, the Company plans to modify kiosk to be intelligent kiosk to support 2 new services, which are selling
- Baa1 BBB+ BBB+ BBB+ ความน่าเช่ือถืออยู่ในเกณฑ์พอใช้ Baa2 BBB BBB BBB Baa3 BBB- BBB- BBB- Ba1 BB+ BB+ BB+ ความน่าเช่ือถือต่ํากวา่ระดบัปานกลาง ระดับเกง็กาํไร (speculative grade) Ba2 BB BB BB Ba3 BB- BB- BB
issuing this Notification is that it deems appropriate to modify the qualifications of applicants for derivatives business license to offer opportunity to business operators with proper qualifications and
issuing this Notification is that it deems appropriate to modify the qualifications of applicants for derivatives business license to offer opportunity to business operators with proper qualifications and
issuing this Notification is that it deems appropriate to modify the qualifications of applicants for derivatives business license to offer opportunity to business operators with proper qualifications and
person assigned by the Chief Executive Officer to determine, prescribe, modify, and amend the rules, conditions and other details that are necessary and appropriate in connection with the land purchase
Company’s authorized directors shall be empowered to consider, determine and modify other details which are necessary for and in relation to the allocation of the newly issued ordinary shares, including, but
person(s) designated by the Company’s authorized directors shall be empowered to consider, determine and modify other details which are necessary for and in relation to the allocation of the newly issued