Company to increasingly fulfill customers’ orders, resulting in the revenue from sales and service for the Company of THB 351.69 million, increasing THB 97.30 million, or 38.25%, from the same nine- month
Company to increasingly fulfill customers’ orders, resulting in the revenue from sales and service for the Company of THB 464.26 million, increasing THB 111.74 million, or 31.70%, from the year 2016
Company to increasingly fulfill customers’ orders, resulting in the revenue from sales and service for the Company of THB 118.69 million in the three-month period in Q1/2018, increasing THB 12.36 million
-term lease. In addition, entering into this transaction will fulfill the completeness of CPN’s shopping complexes and can reach to several target customers. The Board therefore approved the entering into
increasingly fulfill customers’ orders, resulting in the revenue from sales and service for the Company of THB 244.00 million in the six-month period in Q2/2018, increasing THB 14.79 million, or 6.45% from the
new plants in Petchaburi, Thailand in consider to fulfill the increased customer demand, as per the Notification of the Stock Exchange of Thailand regarding Rules, Conditions and procedures of
, which enabled the Company to increasingly fulfill customers’ orders, resulting in the revenue from sales and service for the Company of THB 377.21 million in the nine-month period in Q3/2018, increasing
market • public companies are not able to earn returns to easily fulfill their obligations 1. Economic Environment Economic slowdown : Slower growth of PIEs could have implications to audit fees
reduces socio-economic disparities and promote sustainable financial well-being. We are confident that the goal of balancing between market regulation and development will significantly contribute to the
securities company at the time of selling order but the securities company is confident that the customer owns such securities, regardless of whether the securities are in the customer’s possession or