% 39% 42% 16% Figure 3 : time recorded by EQCRs Figure 4 : % of EQCRs involvement Remark : This information is based on the engagements reviewed by the SEC in 2014 The charts presented above showed that
แบบแสดงรายการข้อมูลการเสนอขายหลักทรัพย์ (UNOFFICIAL TRANSLATION) Readers should be aware that only the original Thai text has legal force, and that this English translation is strictly for reference. 2 Registration Statement for Securities Offering (Form 69-1) Company: .......... (Name of Securities Offeror) ….....… Offers for Sale ....................................................................................................................................................... .................
analysis (MD&A) and the Company’s financial condition according to the Management’s perspective accompanied by the causes and relevant factors – if preferred, represented by diagrams or graphics as seen
condition according to the Management’s perspective accompanied by the causes and relevant factors – if preferred, represented by diagrams or graphics as seen appropriate – at least in the following matters
and derivatives prices or market activity from graphs, technical analysis concept and scenario test. Clause 3 The SEC Office may announce a detailed guideline for the benefit of compliance with the