’ meeting, the director (s) with possible conflict of interests, and/or the director (s) serving as connected parties, did not attend nor were eligible to cast votes at said meeting. (13) Opinion by The Board
, and/or the director (s) serving as connected parties, did not attend nor were eligible to cast votes at said meeting. Name Position Far East Fame Line DDB Plc. Saha Pathanapibul Plc. Mr.Boonchai
. Chotipol and Mr. Sorapoj have not attended this agenda and casted the votes on this agenda. 6. Characteristics and scope of interests of connected person The Company provide financial assistance to FP, MHNK
Directors’ meeting, the director (s) with possible conflict of interests, and/or the director (s) serving as connected parties, did not attend nor were eligible to cast votes at said meeting. …/4 - 4 - Name
- Mitsubishi Electric Corporation holds 192,994 shares or 99.99% of the share in MTC 6. Funding Source Working capital. 7. Directors who was related person / in with conflict of interests did not attend nor cast
attend nor were eligible to cast votes at said meeting. Name Position Thai Wacoal Plc. Sahapat Real Estate Co., Ltd. Mr. Thamarat Chokwatana Director Director .../4 - 4 - (9) Opinion by The Board of
did not attend nor cast votes at above meeting. 7. Opinions of The Board of Directors : Agreed to endorse such transactions intended to support normal business transaction without general trading
- (10) For said Board of Directors’ meeting, the director (s) with possible conflict of interests, and/or the director (s) serving as connected parties, did not attend nor were eligible to cast votes at
companies (9) For said Board of Directors’ meeting, the director (s) with possible conflict of interests, and/or the director (s) serving as connected parties, did not attend nor were eligible to cast votes
of interests, and/or the director (s) serving as connected parties, did not attend nor were eligible to cast votes at said meeting. (10) Opinion by The Board of Directors : The Board of Directors