business combination of TBSP at the acquisition date in the consolidated financial statements is summarized as follows: THB ‘000 The fair values of the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed
measurement of the identifiable assets acquired and the liabilities assumed at the acquisition date, and the measurement of goodwill of the hotel business in Europe was completed last quarter. The revenue
allowance for doubtful accounts is based on past collection history, aging profile of outstanding debts and the prevailing economic condition. Management believed that allowance for doubtful accounts is
. Management believed that allowance for doubtful accounts is adequate in the current circumstances. Inventories Unit: Million Baht Consolidated financial statements 30 September 2018 31 December 2017
handing over to the juristic person. In addition, MK gave the priority to the after sale service as well as the project security. The Company believed that this would help to enhance the Company’s image and
with the Taiwan Stock Exchange’s regulation for applying IPO and believed the IPO price of CCPT-KY will be the result of an open auction and does not harm the rights and interests of the original
to do so and she was not the investment consultant in charge of such client's account. Auracha later arranged for AEC back office to confirm the share transfer with a person who was believed not to be
office to confirm the share transfer with a person who was believed not to be the true owner of the trading account, and adding a new contact phone number to the client?s personal profile even though there
from sources believed to be reliable, but cannot guarantee its accuracy and completeness, and that of the opinions based thereon. This report is for information purposes only, and it does not constitute
the information honestly believed to be sufficient, will the adviser be responsible to shareholders? A: Directors' decision based on the information received from an external adviser may constitute