} assured his colleague that it was the client’s decision. Therefore, the transaction had been executed. However, when the authorization documents were brought to the client for signature, the client
management practices assured at regular intervals by an independent accredited assurer. The assurance protocols and minimum thresholds will be publicly available and may be helpful to Enterprises in planning
-entry system. 4. Indicate the total nominal amount, the individual face value, the interest to be paid during the life of the debt securities, and the dates on which such payments are due. 5. Describe any
certain percentage of the debt securities have instructed the representative to take certain action. 4. Disclose whether the representative may also require indemnification before proceeding to enforce a
as a requirement that the holders of a certain percentage of the debt securities have instructed the representative to take certain action. 1 “senior management” shall refer to the term of “executive
rest assured that their investments will contribute to the achievement of carbon neutrality and net zero GHG emissions of Thai listed companies and sustainability-themed bond issuers as well as
, category, paid-up capital, expired term (if applicable), REIT Manager, and trustee. 2. Policy, Overview of Business, and Procurement of Benefit Describe overview of existing REIT business as follows: 2.1
Manager of The Stock Exchange of Thailand Union Petrochemical Public Company Limited and its subsidiaries would like to describe and analyze the financial situation and business operation for Quarter 1/2018
Limited and its subsidiaries would like to describe and analyze the financial situation and business operation for Quarter 2/2018, in order to disclose as th e information to the investor and public
results for Quarter 3/2018 To : Director and Manager of The Stock Exchange of Thailand Union Petrochemical Public Company Limited and its subsidiaries would like to describe and analyze the financial