impairment loss for goodwill and for those investments in subsidiaries, (2) to assess the impairment loss for other assets, apart from goodwill in the consolidated financial statements, such as property, plant
Legislative Drafting and Evaluation of Law B.E. 2562 (2019), any government body that upholds the power to enforce a law is required to assess effectiveness of the law within a specified time. Hence, the
is publicly available at: main/files/file-attachments/a_-_investment_policy_and_ management_plan_9-2013.pdf Laying the Foundation for Successful Engagement Anne Sheehan and Brian
167mn Impacts of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID–19) COVID-19 is profoundly impacting the global economy, especially the hospitality sector which is the main business of the Company. Almost all of our
is profoundly impacting the global economy, especially the hospitality sector which is the main business of the Company. Almost all our hotels were temporarily closed since the second half of March
annual report and accounts in order for shareholders to be able to assess the company’s performance, business model, strategy and long-term prospects. The reporting of relevant and material non- financial
review provider to assess each step of the bond offering and issuance is encouraged. This regulatory revision was introduced to align with the SEC’s strategic plan to promote investment and fund raising
evaluate the process for a rigorous review of the performance of the board, the company secretary (where such a position exists), the board’s committees and individual directors prior to being proposed for
risks and opportunities on the organization’s businesses, strategies and financial planning. The processes used by the organization to identify, assess and manage climate-related risks. The metrics and
, which was due on 17 April 2018. EARTH is now required to clarify and publicly disclose the information within 60 days after the bankruptcy court grants a permission for the plan preparer to assess the